Main Programmes

EdnoLand STEAM
Ednoland STEAM is a state-of-the-art programme that exposes your child to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and innovation in fun and age-appropriate ways to prepare him/her with the essential future-skills for success. Your child will experience hands-on exciting activities in our Ednoland STEAM programme.
Click here to find out more.
EdnoLand Chinese Rapid Word Recognition
The EdnoLand Chinese Rapid Word-Recognition (CRWR) programme is a fun and effective means of teaching children to recognise Chinese characters. It empowers teachers to engage children of various intelligences and learning styles in the recognition of Chinese characters. The programme uses stories to appeal to linguistic-intelligent learners and animations to engage the spatial-intelligent learners. Songs and raps are incorporated to engage the musical-intelligent learners. There are also reenactments of the stories using the body to appeal to the physical-kinesthetic learners.
Click here to find out more.
Early Science Discovery
We provide opportunities that excite the curiosity of each child and stimulate him/her to discover and explore more about the world he/she lives in. Our children learn about the world of nature and science through concrete experiences, experiments, investigation and deduction, problem solving activities and games.
Music & Movement
Music & Movement is integrated into our curriculum to reinforce our children’s language, musical, physical and social development. Our students have opportunities to listen, sing, experience rhythm through movement as well as creatively express themselves through dance and concert performances.
Creative Art & Craft
Art & Craft activities also play a significant role in a child’s emotional development, imagination and fine motor skills. We encourage all our children to experiment with various art media and materials, and explore different textures, colours, patterns and natural properties.
Outdoor and Playground Activities
Our outdoor activities are aimed at developing both gross and fine motor skills. These include : Water Play, Sand Play, Directed Games, Cycling and Outdoor Play in our playground.
Cooking Experiences
In the course of creating a dish, the children learn to read recipes and follow instructions. While stirring and beating the ingredients during cookery class, they develop small muscles and eye-hand coordination. While mixing, kneading and adding ingredients, they discover concepts about colour, shape and chemistry. By savouring different foods, they learn about their sense of taste.
Learning Centres & Pretend Play
Learning Centres are created to allow children to explore, manipulate and discover. We extend a child’s learning and social interaction by engaging him/her in pretend play.
Graduation Cum Concert
Every year at Newton Kindergarten, Graduation Cum Concert is a grand affair. It comprises a graduation ceremony and performances by all classes, both in Mandarin and English.
Sportball Programme
Sportball’s Multi-Sport skills development programmes introduce pre-school and primary school children to the concepts and skills involved in 7 of the most popular sports (Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Hockey, Golf and Soccer).
华族舞 (Chinese Dance)